A Living Roadmap for Policymaking 2.0

Armenia S. et al. - The chapter is based on current research conducted by the authors as part of the “CROSSOVER Project – Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy Making,” an FP7-funded support action of the European Commission, whose main goal is to reach out to and raise the awareness of users, particularly public government practitioners and policymakers, while developing a research roadmap for establishing the scientific and political basis for long-lasting interest and commitment to next generation policymaking.

A System Dynamics approach to Critical Infrastructures Interdependency Analysis: the experience of the CRISADMIN Project

Armenia S. et al. - Critical Infrastructures are widely perceived as the backbone of today's society and awareness about their security needs is constantly growing. Due to the fact that infrastructures are no longer a public-authority monopoly, investments in security and resilience need to be proven effective and cost-efficient vis-à-vis the emerging challenging and the issues at stake.

Julius Caesar’s System Understanding of the Gallic Crisis: a peek in the mind of a History maker

Armenia S, De Angelis A - When studying history, it usually through the accounts of the achievements of some outstanding leaders, who were capable of grasping the defining elements of the complexity of situations they faced, like Julius Caesar, whose political career was a collection of successes that were the result of his deep understanding of the Roman society and of his sensitivity in appreciating the complex situations in the lands under his control.

The Chronicles of Knowledge: Learning with a Tabletop Game

Botte B., Imbellone A., Marinensi G., Barca S. - Even if largely acknowledged for their capacity to build learning solutions, computer games are often accused to discourage face-to-face social interactions. Pervasive game-based technologies can overcome these limits and are commonly expected to gain widespread usage for educational purposes.

Sul serio o per gioco? Potenzialità e limiti dei serious game in campo educativo

Imbellone, A., Marinensi, G. - L’applicazione dei giochi gode di un’affermata tradizione a livello di scuola dell’infanzia e primaria. Tradizionalmente, però, negli ordini di scuola superiori e ancor più nella formazione degli adulti, ha luogo una scissione tra gli interventi di tipo educativo e le attività ludiche, indirizzate prevalentemente al puro intrattenimento, separate, se non addirittura in contrapposizione, rispetto a scopi didattici.