Autori: Armenia S, Carlini C, Cardazzone A, Assogna P, Brein E, D’Alessandro C, Limone E

Tipologia Prodotto: Contributo in volume

Titolo del Volume: Proceedings of the 32nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC)

Codice ISBN: 978-1-935056-13-3

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2014



Critical Infrastructures are widely perceived as the backbone of today’s society and awareness about their security needs is constantly growing. Due to the fact that infrastructures are no longer a public-authority monopoly, investments in security and resilience need to be proven effective and cost-efficient vis-à-vis the emerging challenging and the issues at stake. Decision makers need to assess their investments alternatives by means of scenario modelling tools, such as the CRISADMIN Decision Support System. The CRISADMIN project aim at realizing a DSS based on a system dynamic model of critical infrastructures’ interdependencies, able to provide information on the impact of critical events on the infrastructures in object. The paper describe the CRISADMIN applied methodology to model Critical Infrastructures interdependencies, focusing specifically on the energy supply and telecommunication network.

Keywords: Critical Infrastructures, Interdependencies Analysis, Domino Effect, Complex Systems Understanding, Policy Modeling, Systems Thinking, System Dynamics, Computer Simulation

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