Autori: Armenia S, Carlini C, Onori R, Saullo A P

Tipologia Prodotto: Contributo in volume

Titolo del Volume: (a cura di): Gandolfo Dominici, Proceedings of the 2nd Business Systems Laboratory International Symposium, 2014, Rome (Italy). Avellino:Business Systems Laboratory

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 1 – 22

Codice ISBN: 9788890824203

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2014



A new “strange” research area is emerging, whose name is Policy Modeling, which is an interdisciplinary “umbrella term” for a number of research fields, applications and technologies that can be applied in order to achieve the common goal of improving public decision‐making in the age of complexity. It aims at making the policy-­making cycle more effective and more intelligent, and at accelerating the learning path embedded in the policy cycle. However, as this area for research is relatively young, data is actually missing so a new interdisciplinary approach is also needed in order to shape this field. In fact, it has been shown that classical policy modeling still relies on classical impact assessment methodologies which have proved ineffective as to their inability to grasp the inherent non-linear, dynamic and complex nature of the problems affecting public governance, as well as to the difficulty to share the modeling assumptions with a wider audience of the involved stakeholders (ultimately down to the points of view of citizens). The authors have participated in two of the support actions project financed by the EC on the theme of ICT for Policy Modeling and have developed the core of the roadmap that has evolved over the two projects life cycles, and they argue that due to the nature of the problems at hand, and also in response to the perceived gaps from users with reference to the state of the art of research and applications in this field, the Systems Thinking and System Dynamics approach may prove a useful combined tool for next generation policy making.

Keywords: Policy Modeling, Governance, smart organizations, systems thinking, system dynamics

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