Logica. Lezioni di primo livello
Vito Michele Abrusci - Il volume presenta un corso iniziale di logica che è rivolto agli studenti universitari e a tutti coloro che desiderano leggere un'introduzione alla logica, senza particolari prerequisiti.
Vito Michele Abrusci - Il volume presenta un corso iniziale di logica che è rivolto agli studenti universitari e a tutti coloro che desiderano leggere un'introduzione alla logica, senza particolari prerequisiti.
Marco Mayer - E’ stato presentato ieri, presso il circolo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, il libro dell’ambasciatore Giuseppe Calvetta ”Le rivoluzioni del Novecento – Un secolo attraverso lo sguardo di un diplomatico”. A discuterne con l’autore, il Prof. Anton Giulio de Robertis. Il dibattito è stato condotto dall’Ambasciatore Umberto Vattani. Sono intervenuti due docenti di Fisica, i Professori Filippo Menzinger di Preussenthal e Massimo Conti, per gli aspetti scientifici del pensiero del Novecento.
Marco Mayer - Per proteggere il cittadino (e la democrazia) ed evitare nuovi totalitarismi è necessario estendere al mondo digitale i paradigmi della sicurezza. Questo richiede un serio impegno da parte degli Stati, ma anche la stretta collaborazione tra Istituzioni, Università e imprese. Una sfida impegnativa ma imprescindibile.
Arturo Di Corinto, Andrea Cairola, Giacomo Mazzone, Lea Melandri, Roberto Masotti - The 47 country reports gathered here illustrate the link between the internet and economic, social and cultural rights (ESCRs). Some of the topics will be familiar to information and communications technology for development (ICT4D) activists: the right to health, education and culture; the socioeconomic empowerment of women using the internet; the inclusion of rural and indigenous communities in the information society; and the use of ICT to combat the marginalisation of local languages.
Armenia S, Pompei A, Castaño Barreto A C, Atzori A S and Fonseca J M - What should be the policy to meet urban food needs in developing countries and those in transition? This is a key question of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), which was posed into the “FAO’s methodological and operational guide to study and understand Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS) to cities in developing countries and countries in transition” in order to face the current over whelming increase of urban population and the increasing urbanization pressures on food systems.
BassiroSó, Eduardo Ferreira Franco, Hamilton Coimbra Carvalho, Joaquim Rocha dos Santos, Stefano Armenia - This paper aims to understand and explore the causal relationship of elements responsible for the macro vicious cycle of poverty in Guinea-Bissau, and discuss policies to break it. The study presents a critical stance towards common recommendations from international agencies, and it provides a blueprint for development of more effective public policies.
Armendariz V, Armenia S, Atzori A S - Ce module aborde les différentes dimensions de l’alimentation et leurs relations. Il précise la notion de système alimentaire en développant notamment la question des verrouillages socio-techniques du système alimentaire industriel actuel.
NONINO, ARMENIA, DOMINICI - The book series "Business Systems" publishes research and essays, coming from the scientific and consulting activity of the members of the nonprofit scientific organisation Business Systems Laboratory (Italy) as well as from invited well-known scientists in the business systems field. The book series aims to attract the cutting-edge research at international level and to make it available for academics and practitioners.
Armenia Stefano et al. - The work presented herein refers to the theoretically framework of Service Research. In particular, in Tourism, the "service-centred" way of thinking and acting has been clearly visible and generalized over time, implying important reconsideration both in definitions and in strategies.
Georgios Tsaples; Stefano Armenia - One of the most challenging issues that policy makers will face in the near future is population ageing and its consequences in pension systems. The purpose of the paper is to investigate the effect of the increase in the retirement age on the pension scheme of Greece, by also taking into account social unrest that can inhibit the policy implementation.