Systemic Analysis of Food Supply and Distribution Systems in City-Region Systems—An Examination of FAO’s Policy Guidelines towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

Armendariz V, Armenia S, Atzori A S - The world is continuously transforming to supply growing cities and urbanization processes are still driving important changes in our current food systems. Future sustainability constraints are emphasizing that Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS) are deeply embedded in city-region systems with specific technical and socio-ecological characteristics.

Terrorism and tourism dynamics

Armenia S et al. - The globalization of the tourism industry has led to a rapid expansion of tourism businesses on an international scale, in order to exploit the possibilities of an interconnected world to expand market share and profitability (Ritchie, 2004).

Understanding the dynamics of Food Supply and Distribution Systems (FSDS)

Armenia S. et. al - What should be the policy to meet urban food needs in developing countries and those in transition? is FAO’s main question before the current overwhelming increase of urban population. To answer, it is necessary to understand the problematic of FSDS and the structure causing it to be really able of assessing any policy to reach the goal.

A Systems Thinking approach to the analysis of International Crises

Armenia S, De Angelis A - This paper addresses the value of a proposed methodology for the analysis of complex international crises, by stating that Systems Thinking and System Dynamics (the former as the initial, qualitative, part in the approach, the latter as the basis for a possible development of our approach towards the development of Decision Support Systems for the quantitative analysis of crises scenarios) can be used to develop a suitable understanding of any complex situation in a timely manner.

Growth-induced compatible strains

Manuela Minozzi et al. - We studied the time evolution problem driven by growth for a non-Euclidean ball which at its initial state is equipped with a non-compatible distortion field. The problem is set within the framework of non-linear elasticity with large growing distortions.

Social awareness on voluntary termination of pregnancy: a cross-section study

Ferrara, M.; Langiano, E.; Greco, E.; De Sio, S.; Vecchiarini, A.; Esposito, M.; De Vito, E. - The objective of this research is to assess the social awareness of Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (VTP) in order to develop adequate information and training programmes. An observational study was carried out on a sample of individuals aged between 14 and 68.

Health promotion as a global socio-political process: first steps

Greco Emilio - The article provides an historical analysis of the concept of health. On these basis, it is possible to deconstruct institutional conceptions of health and shows the salience of prevention and health promotions in these narratives. On these basis, it is proposed to connect sociological theories of health inequalities with institutional definitions of health.

Un progetto di educazione alla salute sul fumo di tabacco in un campione di donne in ambiente di lavoro. Un cross sectional study

Langiano, E., Ferrara M., Greco, E., De Sio, S., De Vito, E. - The aim of the study is to analyze the smoking attitudes of women in their working environment before and after a prevention campaign on the damage of smoking. 831 questionnaires were administered, before and after the educational intervention, with special attention to smoking habits and to the behaviours typical of the working circle.