EU Overview

Gianluca Faella, Marco D'Ostuni, Manuela Becchimanzi - The paper provides an extensive analysis of the main developments in (i) the regulatory framework and (ii) competition law enforcement, in the technology, media and telecommunications sectors.

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: an Introduction to Competition Issues

Gianluca Faella, Valerio Cosimo Romano - Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain are disruptive technologies, which are taking the lead in economic discourse at the international level and promise to reshape entire industries. These technologies offer an unrivalled potential to improve efficiency levels and benefit consumers, also through lower production and transaction costs, more innovation, and the introduction of new and better products and services.

Abuse of dominance in Italy

Gianluca Faella, Matteo Beretta - The paper provides an extensive analysis of the main developments in competition law enforcement on abuse of dominant position in Italy. In particular, the paper discusses the latest abuse of dominance cases, analyzes the issues of market definition, market power, abusive practices as well as procedural aspects, and provides some considerations on possible future developments in antitrust enforcement in Italy.

Challenges and opportunities for the school system.

Stefania Capogna - Educational agencies are going through a difficult transition, with important consequences in terms of de-legitimacy of the social mandate historically assigned to the school. The reason for this widespread unease can be traced to the fact that today we live in a complex system.

La valutazione come strumento di empowerment

Stefania Capogna - In questo saggio, l'autrice riflette sulla valutazione come strumento di empowerment. Da qualche anno anche in Italia ha preso piede, seppure tra non poche critiche e difficoltà, un sistema di valutazione nazionale che abbraccia tutti gli ambiti dell’education.

Alle radici della società digitale

Marco Mayer - La pervasività della rivoluzione digitale è stata largamente sottovalutata dalle scienze sociali. Gran parte della letteratura scientifica ruota, infatti, attorno a tre categorie concettuali: Cyberspace, Arena Digitale e Infosfera, ciascuna delle quali tende, a mio avviso, a collocare la rivoluzione digitale in recinti cognitivi troppo ristretti.

The causal relation between entrepreneurial ecosystem and productive entrepreneurship: a measurement framework

Melita Nicotra, Marco Romano, Manlio Del Giudice & Carmela Elita Schillaci - The paper proposes a framework for measuring and testing the causal effects of a set of entrepreneurial ecosystems factors (eco-factors) on productive entrepreneurship (eco-output). Existing research studies provide long lists of relevant eco-factors; however, the causal relations of eco-factors with productive entrepreneurship has not been sufficiently and holistically studied.

An exploration of contemporary organizational artifacts and routines in a sustainable excellence context

Elias G. Carayannis, Evangelos Grigoroudis, Manlio Del Giudice, Maria Rosaria Della Peruta, Stavros Sindakis - Organizations and their members operate in increasingly complex, dynamic and even disruptive environments, with risk and uncertainty being major challenges. To that effect, data, information, knowledge, and respective competences are increasingly instrumental in enabling and sustaining organizational intelligence that translates into resilience in the shorter and sustainable excellence in the longer term. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to explore the role of the artifacts and routines in a sustainable organizational excellence context.