Autore: Massimiliano Del Casale

Editore: G. Giappichelli

Tipologia Prodotto: Contributo in volume

Titolo del Volume: New models of peacekeeping. Security and protection of human rights.

Numero prima e ultima pagina: Prefazione

Codice ISBN: 9788892115965

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2018



The book contains the proceedings of the Workshop on “New Models of Peacekeeping. Security and Protection of Human Rights”, held at the Center for Higher Defence Studies in Rome, from the 10th to the 12th May 2017. The Workshop dealt with two major issues. First of all the new regional models of peacekeeping were examined. Nowadays regional organizations increasingly and extensively deploy peace operations, which are connected to the UN following flexible approaches as well as political and strategic choices. Secondly, the adjustment of peacekeeping with respect to the new crisis was debated. These new crisis not only jeopardise state institutions but deeply involve population, harming human security. Therefore peacekeeping is more often called upon to intervene to protect human rights and then to improve its capacity towards the protection of human security.

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