Autori: Veronica Scuotto, Manlio Del Giudice & Kingsley Obi Omeihe

Editore: Taylor & Francis Group

Tipologia Prodotto: articolo in rivista


Titolo della Rivista: Information Systems Management

Numero; Volume: 3; 34

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 280 – 290

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2017



This article proposes that mass collaborative knowledge management (MCKM) and social media networks (SMNs) tend to enhance productivity in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A case study methodology was employed to highlight the complementary advantages of MCKM related to the use of SMNs in a small business operating in southern Italy. The research aims to contribute to the ongoing discussion on MCKM. This article offers a fresh perspective by discussing the relevance of this construct for SMEs.

Keywords: Case study, mass collaborative knowledge management, SMEs, social media networks

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