Autore: Flavia Marzano

Tipologia: Contributo in volume ( Pagg. 269-280 )

Titolo volume: La formazione nell’era delle Smart Cities. Esperienze e orizzonti

Autori volume: E. Caldirola, G. Pirlo

Editore: Cisalpino Istituto Editoriale Universitario

Collana: Epheso

Anno pubblicazione: 2018

Lingua: Italiano

DOI 10.12894/1112

ISBN-10: 8820511045
ISBN-13: 978-8820511043


The process of evolution of ICTs allows the creation of new scenarios and new models of interaction between institutions and citizens and opens new opportunities for relations between citizens and institutions, offers solutions that encourage the use of technologies for online services and activates transparency, democracy and participation. However, there are still too many elements that make it difficult for all citizens to enjoy these opportunities, in particular the digital divide that is infrastructural but also socio-economic and cultural. Such gaps risk to increase the distance between citizens and institutions. Roma Capitale intends to activate a program to support the use of digital technologies and services through the establishment of public desks (called “Punti Roma Facile”, PRoF) helping and training citizen to take advantage of online services. The PRoFs are aimed at increasing the development of digital skills, the active participation of citizen in public affairs and the simplification of the relationship between the citizen and the public administration.

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