Autori: Manuela Minozzi, Paola Nardinocchi, Luciano Teresi and Valerio Varano
Editore: Sage Journals
Tipologia Prodotto: Articolo in rivista
DOI: 10.1177/1081286515570510
Titolo della Rivista: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Numero; Volume: 22(1)
Numero prima e ultima pagina: 62 – 71
Anno di Pubblicazione: 2017
We studied the time evolution problem driven by growth for a non-Euclidean ball which at its initial state is equipped with a non-compatible distortion field. The problem is set within the framework of non-linear elasticity with large growing distortions. No bulk accretive forces are considered, and growth is only driven by the stress state. We showed that, when stress-driven growth is considered, distortions can evolve along different trajectories which share a common attracting manifold; moreover, they eventually attain a steady and compatible form, to which there corresponds a stress-free state of the ball.
Keywords: Growth mechanics; Nonlinear elasticity; Compatibility conditions