Autori: Armenia S, Sellitto G

Editore: Gandolfo Dominici

Tipologia Prodotto: Contributo in volume

Titolo del Volume: Advances in Business Management. Towards Systemic Approach

Collana: International Symposia

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 65 – 70

Codice E-ISBN: 9788890824227

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2015



It seems that recently the metaphor of the world as a global giant network is producing a collective cognitive shift, which has replaced both the old perceptual categories of “continuum” and “organic” with a single one: “networked”. The new field of “Network Science” flourished in the last decade, bringing out new theories aimed at explaining, predicting and taking control of network behavior and evolution. The US National Research Council in 2006 (NRC, 2006) defined Network Science (NS) a “the study of network representations of physical, biological, and social phenomena, leading to predictive models of these phenomena”. US NRC also states that “network science is distinct from both network technology and network research: it is characterized by the “discovery mode”, which is typical of science, rather than the “invention mode” of technology and engineering”. NS paradigm is quite different from the one underlying preceding work on networks. NS focuses on the properties of real-world networks, tackling empirical as well as theoretical questions. Real world networks are not static, but evolve in time according to various dynamical rules and so NS aims at understanding networks not just as topological objects, but also as a framework upon which we can build and govern distributed dynamical socio-technical systems. A network representation suits many [continua …]

Keywords: Regulatory impacts, network science, control theory, system dynamics

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