Come e perché misurare indicatori digitali nella P.A.

Flavia Marzano - An overview of the state of the art of information technology & innovation in Italy is reported with respect to international, outlining strength points (few) and weakness points (many), and focussing on the Public Administration (PA) role in this context. A governance proposal is hence suggested for policies regarding ICT innovation. Relevant indicators for PA are listed: PA internal indicators, PA, enterprises & citizens, PA & territory.

Le competenze digitali del manager pubblico, Una guida operativa per la nuova P.A.

Flavia Marzano, Giuseppe Iacono - Le Pubbliche Amministrazioni rivestono un ruolo fondamentale per la definizione e l'evoluzione del modello culturale di un Paese, soprattutto in Italia. Nel panorama del tutto nuovo dell'era digitale, in cui rapidamente cambiano linguaggi e principi di gestione, la digitalizzazione dell'esistente, delle procedure e dei modelli organizzativi attuali rappresenta il fallimento da evitare.

Roma Capitale. Formazione per garantire trasparenza, inclusione e partecipazione

Flavia Marzano - The process of evolution of ICTs allows the creation of new scenarios and new models of interaction between institutions and citizens and opens new opportunities for relations between citizens and institutions, offers solutions that encourage the use of technologies for online services and activates transparency, democracy and participation.

Start up e P.M.I. innovative: inquadramento

Oreste Cagnasso - Start up e P.M.I. innovative nonché il crowfunding costituiscono strumenti fondamentali recentemente introdotti per favorire la costituzione di imprese che svolgono attività di alto contenuto tecnologico: il tipo più utilizzato è la s.r.l., disciplinata con regole peculiari e che può assumere i caratteri della società aperta.

UX and Usability on Smart TV: A case study on a T-commerce application

Ingrosso, A., Volpi, V., Opromolla, A., Sciarretta, E., Medaglia, C. M. - Smart TVs offers new possibilities of interaction, due to the peculiarity of the device and the presence of apps. However, more usability studies on Smart TV apps are needed in order to improve the quality of the user interfaces.

Elderly and tablets: considerations and suggestions about the design of proper applications

Sciarretta, E., Ingrosso, A., Volpi, V., Opromolla, A., Grimaldi, R. - In this paper, the authors support the idea that tablet is the ideal tool to assist and enhance the elderly living by providing them with value-added services. Currently the risk is that a poor design interface may exclude this substantial part of the population from using useful technologies because of their specific age category requirements.

Guidelines for designing accessible digital (text)books: the italian case

Sciarretta, E., Ingrosso, A., Carriero, A. - In this paper, the authors analyze the state of the art of digital publishing, with particular attention towards what is going on in Italy, and investigate eBooks’ accessibility features, in order to understand whether this growing phenomenon may represent a resource and a possibility of inclusion for all individuals, regardless of their (dis)abilities, their needs and their interests, and how to make this possible.