Release of Multilateral Instrument

Piergiorgio Valente - The release of the Multilateral Instrument constitutes an important step towards the most significant re-write of international tax rules in a century. It is the multilateral convention enabling the simultaneous amendment of more than 3,000 existing bilateral conventions for the avoidance of double taxation.

An Enhanced Relationship Between Taxpayers and Tax Authorities: A Taxpayer Charter of Rights and the European Taxpayers’ Code

Piergiorgio Valente - EU Tax Law and Policy in the 21st Century provides a thorough description of recent and impending developments in EU direct and indirect tax legislation. Major changes in EU tax law demand an analysis of not just the current state of the field but also forthcoming EU-level policy initiatives and their likely implications for taxpayers, regulators, and national legislatures alike.

Le efficienze nei casi di abuso: un’analisi economica e comparata

Gianluca Faella - A differenza di altre aree del diritto della concorrenza, che incorporano espressamente una teoria delle efficienze, in molti ordinamenti le norme su abuso di posizione dominante e monopolizzazione non contemplano giustificazioni o deroghe fondate sulle virtù efficientistiche delle condotte unilaterali.

The Efficient Abuse: Reflections on the EU, Italian and UK Experience

Gianluca Faella - The role of efficiencies in abuse cases is far from satisfactory. The distinction between the finding of anticompetitive foreclosure and the subsequent assessment of possible efficiencies is in many cases artificial. Furthermore, the strict conditions identified by the Commission and EU Courts do not leave much scope for efficiency arguments in abuse cases.

EU Overview

Gianluca Faella, Marco D'Ostuni, Manuela Becchimanzi - The paper provides an extensive analysis of the main developments in (i) the regulatory framework and (ii) competition law enforcement, in the technology, media and telecommunications sectors.

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: an Introduction to Competition Issues

Gianluca Faella, Valerio Cosimo Romano - Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain are disruptive technologies, which are taking the lead in economic discourse at the international level and promise to reshape entire industries. These technologies offer an unrivalled potential to improve efficiency levels and benefit consumers, also through lower production and transaction costs, more innovation, and the introduction of new and better products and services.

Abuse of dominance in Italy

Gianluca Faella, Matteo Beretta - The paper provides an extensive analysis of the main developments in competition law enforcement on abuse of dominant position in Italy. In particular, the paper discusses the latest abuse of dominance cases, analyzes the issues of market definition, market power, abusive practices as well as procedural aspects, and provides some considerations on possible future developments in antitrust enforcement in Italy.

International policies on energy and climate change

Maurizio Melani - Analisi delle implicazioni per gli sviluppi politici, economici, di sicurezza e ambientale ai livelli globale e regionale, della produzione, del trasporto, della fornitura e del consumo di energia. Esame degli interessi strategici e dei comportamenti dei maggiori attori, delle politiche internazionali durante le diverse fasi delle rivoluzioni industriali e tecnologiche e delle relazioni di potere che ne sono derivate, nonché degli sviluppi nella consapevolezza e nelle conseguenti azioni in merito agli effetti dell’impiego delle diverse fonti di energia sui cambiamenti climatici in corso.

The causal relation between entrepreneurial ecosystem and productive entrepreneurship: a measurement framework

Melita Nicotra, Marco Romano, Manlio Del Giudice & Carmela Elita Schillaci - The paper proposes a framework for measuring and testing the causal effects of a set of entrepreneurial ecosystems factors (eco-factors) on productive entrepreneurship (eco-output). Existing research studies provide long lists of relevant eco-factors; however, the causal relations of eco-factors with productive entrepreneurship has not been sufficiently and holistically studied.