Autori: Veronica Scuotto, Manlio Del Giudice, Stefano Bresciani, Dirk Meissner

Editore: Emerald Publishing Limited

Tipologia Prodotto: Articolo in rivista


Titolo della Rivista: Journal of Knowledge Management

Numero, Volume: 3; 21

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 640 – 655

Codice ISSN: 1367-3270

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2017



This paper aims to investigate three key factors (i.e. cognitive dimensions, the knowledge-driven approach and absorptive capacity) that are likely to determine the preference for informal inbound open innovation (OI) modes, through the lens of the OI model and knowledge-based view (KBV). The innovation literature has differentiated these collaborations into informal inbound OI entry modes and formal inbound OI modes, offering an advocative and conceptual view. However, empirical studies on these collaborations are still limited.

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