UX and Usability on Smart TV: A case study on a T-commerce application

Ingrosso, A., Volpi, V., Opromolla, A., Sciarretta, E., Medaglia, C. M. - Smart TVs offers new possibilities of interaction, due to the peculiarity of the device and the presence of apps. However, more usability studies on Smart TV apps are needed in order to improve the quality of the user interfaces.

SmarTV Care. Smart TVs and Health Care – Applications and Implications

Sciarretta, E., Benedetti, F., Ingrosso, A., Grimaldi, R. - The chapter investigates the impact that new television sets, called Smart TV, can have on the e- Health and Telemedicine area. The potential of this technology makes possible to be directly connected to users and patients at home with a wide range of information and services.