Social awareness on voluntary termination of pregnancy: a cross-section study

Ferrara, M.; Langiano, E.; Greco, E.; De Sio, S.; Vecchiarini, A.; Esposito, M.; De Vito, E. - The objective of this research is to assess the social awareness of Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy (VTP) in order to develop adequate information and training programmes. An observational study was carried out on a sample of individuals aged between 14 and 68.

Un progetto di educazione alla salute sul fumo di tabacco in un campione di donne in ambiente di lavoro. Un cross sectional study

Langiano, E., Ferrara M., Greco, E., De Sio, S., De Vito, E. - The aim of the study is to analyze the smoking attitudes of women in their working environment before and after a prevention campaign on the damage of smoking. 831 questionnaires were administered, before and after the educational intervention, with special attention to smoking habits and to the behaviours typical of the working circle.