Look who’s talking: Banking crisis, Bail-in and Mass-media

Elvira Anna Graziano, Francesca Vicentini, Stefano Fontana, Maria Rosaria Della Peruta - This paper intends to verify two aspects of the movement of news related to the introduction of bail-in and the story of Banca Etruria. First through the methodology of text analysis we were analyzed quantitatively the significance of the news published between November 2015 - March 2016 extracted through the Factiva database, and the qualitative related to their semantic analysis.


Daniela Coluccia, Stefano Fontana, Elvira Anna Graziano, Matteo Rossi, Silvia Solimene - The recent financial crisis highlights the weaknesses of the traditional measures of risk in the banking sector, as Banking Authorities have missed considering the behavioural aspect of the risk culture, which is an essential tool for the value creation process of risk management, usually measured using the survey method.

Behavioural Corporate Finance and Knowledge Management: a Cognitive Approach

Battisti E., Graziano E.A. - The economic and financial crisis has highlighted, among other things, the failure of the monitoring processes of managers’ and directors’ behavior, some of whom, with their decisions, have negatively influenced the trend of corporate profitability and financial markets. In this context, the process of the dissemination and management of knowledge is investigated to identify the causes and effects of this negative movement. Our work addresses two central questions. Is there a way to improve the knowledge of managers to solve the behavioral biases affecting their business decisions? If one exists, how do knowledge management approaches influence it?

Newspaper vs Social Media: Who grabs the investors’ attention?

E. A. Graziano - Il lavoro si pone l'obiettivo di indagare i media considerati non solo come broker di informazioni, responsabili della produzione e circolazione delle notizie nei mercati finanziari, ma soprattutto come protagonisti capaci di contribuire ad influenzare i comportamenti degli investitori.

Se le parole non bastano, si usi il colore! Come il rosso e il blu modulano l’attenzione del lettore di un Key Investor Information Document

M.G. Ceravolo, G. Raggetti, V. Farina, L. Leonelli, L. Fattobene, E.A. Graziano - La neurofinanza è un’area della neuroeconomia che accoglie le ricerche sui presupposti neurofisiologici del processo decisionale dell’agente finanziario. Questo lavoro rileva e misura l’influenza che il colore svolge, a livello inconscio, nell’allocazione dell’attenzione visiva individuale quando si legge un Key Investor Information Document.