Autore: Manlio Del Giudice

Editore: Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Tipologia Prodotto: Articolo in rivista


Titolo della Rivista: Business ProcessManagement Journal

Numero; Volume: 22

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 263 – 270

Codice ISSN: 1463-7154, ISBN: 9781786352989 1786352982

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2016



We still know very little about how the IoT are changing the way of interpreting the business process management inside and outside the firms and this topic is progressively becoming very hot in the leading managerial literature (Al Mashari & Zairi, 2000). Then, management scholars are aiming at investigating the impact and the role of the IoT on the business process management in terms of promotion of knowledge flow, innovation and competitiveness. Likewise, management researchers aim at understanding how IoT foster innovation inside organizations and which implication this phenomenon can have on business process management and competitiveness of the firms (Al Mashari & Zairi, 1999). The present paper offers a literature review on the topic, by considering the technological revitalization through the IoT as a key driver for the business process management of the industrial firm.

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