Autore: Manlio Del Giudice
Editore: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Tipologia prodotto: Articolo in rivista
Titolo della Rivista: Business Process Management Journal
Numero; Volume: 22, Issue 2
Codice ISSN: 1463-7154, ISBN: 9781786352989 1786352982
Anno di Pubblicazione: 2016
The growing relevance of the “Internet of Things” (IoT) arises from the possibility to connect people, goods and operations through a global network. The company performance management and the customer relationship management are influenced by the IoT that allows for an increasing competitiveness of the global corporations by sharing specific knowledge and social value in the long term. On one side, in many sectors such as agrifood, natural environment, smart cities, insurances, safety security, the IoT utility is changing the way of interpreting the business process management inside and outside the firms as well as innovation processes connected to products and services. On the other side, the competitiveness of markets needs of intelligent equipment, expert systems and technology.