Autori: Anna Maria Biscotti, Elisabetta Mafrolla, Manlio Del Giudice, Eugenio D’Amico
Editore: Emerald Publishing Limited
Tipologia Prodotto: Articolo in rivista
Titolo della Rivista: Management Decision
Numero; Volume: 6; 56
Numero prima e ultima pagina: 1348 – 1364
Anno di Pubblicazione: 2018
In an increasingly turbulent and competitive environment, open innovation could be critical for a firm’s success, favoring organizational flexibility and accelerating innovation processes. However, sharing innovation projects with external partners often requires changes in traditional organizational behavior and visions of CEOs. The purpose of this paper is to theorize and empirically verify how the CEO turnover and some socially relevant characteristics of the old and the new CEO may impact firms’ propensity toward open innovation under an integrated agency-resource dependence view and social identity perspective.