Autori: Mureddu F, Misuraca G, Osimo D, Onori R, Armenia S

Editore: IGI Global

Tipologia Prodotto: Contributo in volume

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6236-0.ch022

Titolo del Volume: (a cura di): Peter Sonntagbauer, Kawa Nazemi, Susanne Sonntagbauer, Giorgio Prister, and Dirk Burkhardt, Handbook of research on advanced ICT integration for governance and policy modeling. ADVANCES IN ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT, DIGITAL DIVIDE, AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT BOOK SERIES

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 433 – 461

Codice ISBN: 978-1-4666-6236-0, ISSN: 2326-9103

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2014



The chapter is based on current research conducted by the authors as part of the “CROSSOVER Project – Bridging Communities for Next Generation Policy Making,” an FP7-funded support action of the European Commission, whose main goal is to reach out to and raise the awareness of users, particularly public government practitioners and policymakers, while developing a research roadmap for establishing the scientific and political basis for long-lasting interest and commitment to next generation policymaking. In particular, the chapter identifies the opportunities and benefits resulting from applications of ICT tools for collaborative governance and policy modeling and provides an outline of what technologies are and will be available to meet the needs of policymakers. The project builds on the CROSSROAD model and roadmap with the aim to reach a stronger focus on policy modeling.

Keywords: Policy Modeling, Governance, smart organizations

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