Autori: Imbellone A., Botte B., Medaglia C.M.

Tipologia Prodotto: Conference paper

Titolo della Conferenza: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid, and On-line Learning (eLmL 2015); Lisbon (Portugal), February 22-27

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 8 – 13

Codice ISBN: 978-1-61208-385-8

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2015



The paper presents the results of an empirical study conducted on a mobile game-based learning kit, composed by 30 serious games, developed in the framework of an European project on mobile learning for corporate training, titled “InTouch”. The study analyzes the role of the interest of the goal, the fun of the gameplay, and the realism of the game narration in determining the willingness to play again, as expressed by a sample of 54 users. In the light of the debate between ludic and narrative approach to games, the study can be interpreted as an empirical evidence of the simultaneous, and yet independent, important role of both the ludic and narrative component of a serious game. The fun of the gameplay showed to a have a very important role in predicting the willingness to play again, with a robust direct effect, and significantly contributing to the indirect effect of the interest of the goal. The realism of the game narration exhibited a lower, even though significant, level of influence on the willingness to play again, contributing only in a direct form, and with a smaller amount compared to the level of fun. The interest of the goal has a significant direct influence on the willingness to play again, that can be enhanced by the fun of the gameplay, while it did not show to be significantly modified by the realism of the game narration.

Keywords: Mobile Game-Based Learning; Corporate Training; Serious Games; Ludology; Narratology

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