Autori: Sciarretta, E., Carriero, A., Marinensi, G.

Editore: Springer, Cham

Tipologia Prodotto: Lecture Notes in Computer Science

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22636-7_19

Titolo del Libro: Human-Computer Interaction. Design Practice in Contemporary Societies

Numero;Volume: 11568

Numero prima e ultima pagina: 270 – 281

Codice ISBN: 978-3-030-22635-0

Anno Pubblicazione: 2019



This paper intends to review the main technological innovations applied to the world of theme parks, with the aim of identifying the strategies that can be planned to guarantee visitors an optimized experience. At the same time, it aims to understand how the new technology can help improving the integration between the fantasy space and the real, urban space. The introduction explains what the challenges for modern parks are and what people are expecting from them. Chapter 2 addresses the use of various kinds of technology within theme parks, in particular virtual and augmented reality, localization and RFID systems to effectively manage the routes of visitors, 3D and multimedia techniques to improve engagement. Before the conclusions, chapter 3 investigates the relationship between the theme park and the spatial context it is built in and how new technology can be used to optimize this relationship and empower people.

Keywords: Theme Parks – Amusement Parks – New Technology – Urban Spaces – Virtual Reality – Augmented Reality – Social Media

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