Autori: Manlio Del Giudice, Melita Nicotra, Marco Romano & Carmela Elita Schillaci

Editore: Springer

Tipologia Prodotto: Articolo in rivista


Titolo della Rivista: The Journal of Technology Transfer

Numero; Volume: 42

Numero prima e utlima pagina: 320 – 337

Anno di Pubblicazione: 2017



The paper focuses on the role of a country’s culture in influencing the entrepreneurial attitudes of Principal Investigators, in shaping their ability to combine knowledge theory and business practice, in determining their capacity to strengthen the cooperation between the two domains of research and business, and in supporting research spin-off creation in entrepreneurial universities. To make Principal Investigators’ orientation match Entrepreneurial Universities’ goals of the marketing of innovation and entrepreneurship is not an easy task. A research-oriented approach, rather than an explorative entrepreneurial orientation, is still predominant in Principal Investigators. Among the factors influencing the strategic orientation towards entrepreneurship of Principal Investigators, the paper argues that the country’s culture could be key. Evaluating the influence of the entrepreneurial culture on a Principal Investigator’s activity is critical in predicting his performance and comparing it with that of Principal Investigators in other countries.

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